Sunday, March 15, 2009

my life is full of words

hahahaha.. busy busy busyyyyyyyyy ...
dear friends,

i hate hypocrite people!


that's all


~epc members~ said...

hmmmm..hypocrite people...
who might that be....


Anonymous said...

i know, iknow!...
of coz itz not gonna be...
coz im d angle in clas..
guest who?...huhu

~epc members~ said...

let it be a secret.. huhu

Anonymous said...

do you notice that you are the one who start a fight among our class members????
dont think that others cannot recognizes you ok...lalalala...
our class member is just 20 you know?? it's not hard to recognizes who you are...
anyway i think your idea about "hypocrite" really shows who you really are the one that is hypocrito...hate it!!

Anonymous said...

that's right anonymous, you're definitely true.
you (the writer of this post) thinks that you are living in an invinsible or sight-proof house, but as the matter of fact, you are living in a glass house - come on, people can see you, you know? oh yes we do.
Don't pretend you have done nothing wrong (like throwing stones at us and hiding them inside your hand behind your back) Remember "poker face" that our lecturer told us?
i guess you are one of the "poker faces" among us.
You say "that person(s)" is a hypocrite, don't you think you are one too???

Anonymous said...

hmm,sori if my comment interrupts anybody...but hey,what d hell kecoh2 ni???...

~epc members~ said...

y u r so kepochi.. relax.. i didn't mention anyone's name from this cls, so y u r so emotional??