Monday, March 23, 2009

no title

seem like the situation is getting tense. many things has happened to our class..but just put that away from your mind..from now on, we have two or three weeks to go..just keep struggling to finish any assignment, project, test, drama that are waiting more time to enjoy like in the beginning of the all of u guys, let's strive for the GOAL together..sorry, i personally not interested to post this kind of comment sengal je..but i now i am extremely boring, don't know what to do..i am in pain right now after met an accident yesterday during futsal games.. i don't kow how to answer the test tomorrow, my hand keeps unfortunate i am..but it's ok.. i like this experience, bkan senang nk dapat..and i feel like a gentleman for having it..hahahahahah..azwan the silence killer


Anonymous said...

Lat, get well soon ok?
and please be careful when playing futsal next time.....
those injuries, i mean "wow!" it must be so painful!
(i know how you feel at this moment...i've been there too, motorcycle accidents)
for extra protection, you can always consider to wear those hand-pads or helmet or something like that, huhu..
anyway, get well soon!

Anonymous said...

u got two great feelings with the pain you had..i mean u siad that u feel like a gentleman..that's 1 thing..the other thing is i think you got to escape dr.krish's exercise..wuhuhuuhu..luck in pain i'd say..anyway i hope u'll be better and careful any time soon

Anonymous said...

but he still must do it at hostel rite???? escape my diligent clas rep..

~epc members~ said...

no, i dont have to do la..dr krish is nice, she will let it goes..haha..don't get jealuos k..i suggest u to fall like me..huhu

Anonymous said...

uik, get well soon!!!

alia kamal said...

wow that injuries look scary if u ask me.

to lat's hand, get well soon :)
i'm so jealous of u that day