Friday, March 20, 2009

me oh my!

well well well, i noticed that there have been a few "missing" posts that i've read in the blog for a couple of days ago - the one with a picture, and another one, the one using red colors in it
why, who deleted it?
that one was quite an interesting one,
or did that person feel intimidated by the post?
"siapa makan cili, dia yang terasa pedasnya, kn?"
anyway, you (as in the person who did it), just want to tell you, dont ever do that again to other peoples' posts. just appreciate what that person has to say. unless you are the writer of the post, then you can delete it (and dont be such a yenta)


Anonymous said...

dat right.....
i agree wit could dat person deleted other comment....if he or she feel offensive with dat comment, jus ignor it k!!! n if you feel dat your comment is not suitable for dis blog, can you please do not post any comment in dis blog k!!! you also wil not wasting your time right by not adding some craps comment at first.....hahahahaha....wat a pity of you (to the person dat "siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedasnya") don emo2 k you guys!!!! bye..........

Anonymous said...

alloo..not someone else deleted it..i think it was the owner him or herself who deleted it..dont you think so??..duhh!!!

~epc members~ said...

yeahhhh maybe the owner thinks that he or she is too much! hahahaha

~epc members~ said...

well excuse me..!!
why should i be that "over-hardworking person" to post something on this blog and go through quite similar difficulties just to delete it?

i think you should THINK HARD, before you post any comments of yours in this blog....

yeah, i agree with the person writing this post,
'sape mkn cili', of course that person will definitely feel 'kepedasannya'!

take that, you manipulator!

~epc members~ said...

who the he** is sooooo brave to delete the others comment or blog?? i feel curious..... "jgn biarkan hidup anda d selubungi misteri....."

Anonymous said...

whether it's ur comment or belong to others,y must to delete????
come on la,face d truth!!
like others mentioned,if u r disagree or feel bad about it,just log in to another blog and u can delete any comments in d blog!!!!