Thursday, July 16, 2009


This semester will change our life as we are staying and studying in new place, new environment and new situation. I also have a very new experience because this semester i am a non resident and stay in rent house. We have to be passion and control ourself when we are staying with our friends in a rent house because staying in rent house is a very challenging life. This is very different from college life becuase we still have "tok pengetua" who has the responsibility to take care of us and we also have "pak guard" who can make sure our safety. In rent house we have to take care of ourself on our own. one more thing that we have to take serious is about friendship. This is a very important matter as we will live with our friends until the semester end or until we graduate. Anything can happen and this will a tough challenge for us as a student. For me, what we should do is just focus on our objective for being here in uitm and whatever happen in our life we have to trust ourself because that is our strength.


Anonymous said...

yeah!! it or not,we shud adapt diz new envirnment....

Anonymous said...


duhhhh... said...

agreed! same situation with me