Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On the Maypole by Billy Corgan

I would like to share with you guys the poem written by the genius person himself Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins frontman) title On the Maypole. The poem is taken from his publish book of collective poems call Blinking With Fist. P/s: Corgan does look like the bald version of Gerard Way (MCR). You don't know what MCR means? It means May Cause Rashes (kiddin). Lol, ask your grandpa, he might know.

On the Maypole

Around the maypole with childish eye

Rushing thru autumn days

Wrapping blankets around frames

Wishing in the sky

No matter where you stand

You stand here with me

Missing simple times

Mixing blood with rose oil

We are leaving too soon

To make new friends

We shall not remember

Copyright © 2004 Billy Corgan

Post to you by Vanya the White Violinist (0.007)

Monday, May 4, 2009

4 Marketing Philosophies.

There are four marketing philosophies which are sales orientation, production orientation, marketing orientation and societal marketing orientation.

Brought to you by Vlad

Saturday, May 2, 2009


to all LG 220 members you are invited to join our friendster group..


but sorry, the group page is still in being improved.
any idea or suggestion about the group logo???